Santa Clara University, Graham Hall


Santa Clara, CA

Project Type

Home to approximately 350 incoming undergraduate students each year, Graham Hall has the largest resident population of any building on the Santa Clara University campus. WRD Architects oversaw the permitting and construction of the new four-story, 125,000-square-foot structure for the University as part of an initiative to increase on-campus housing. With a strong focus on sustainability, the new residence hall incorporates salvaged and recycled materials from 96 percent of the four 1960s-era dorm buildings that were demolished to make way for the new building. The project was named a “Best Green Project” finalist in the Silicon Valley/San Jose Business Journal’s Structures awards.

The residence hall features common areas and maximizes the use of green space around the building, integrating the new landscaping with existing landscaping around an adjacent Commons. Design elements include abundant natural light, courtyards with green space, high ceilings in common areas, glass walls where appropriate, and a general feeling of openness that fosters a sense of community and ease of access.


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Santa Clara University recycles bulk of former dorm to build new student quarters
Silicon Valley Business Journal

Tour of Graham Hall (Video)
Santa Clara University, Vimeo