Matthew Heidel
Matthew is a licensed architect and project manager with extensive construction administration experience. Prior to pursuing architecture full time, he worked for several contractors who taught him practical skills that support his design work. Matthew has been with WRD Architects for three years and specializes in glazing and building envelope design, accessibility compliance and code review, and commercial and historic renovation projects.
Role: Project Manager
License: Licensed Architect, State of California
Community involvement:
- Volunteer for local Habitat for Humanity chapter
- Member and volunteer at Santa Cruz Triathlon Association (SCTA)
- Member and volunteer Mountain Bikers of Santa Cruz (MBOSC)
- Past Board of Directors member of AIA Monterey Bay
Inspiration: Growing up in New York City, buildings were always what made the city for me, and the city was essential to everyday life. Monterey is now my inspiration. This is such a great little city, and the most beautiful place I have ever lived!