Christopher Barlow

As a principal partner for WRD Architects since 2014, Christopher promotes community design excellence on a regional scale. He leads the firm’s healthcare, mixed-use and historic projects with specialties in evidence-based design, sustainability, and adaptive reuse.

Role: Principal


  • Licensed Architect, State of California & Washington
  • Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design Accredited Professional (LEED-AP)
  • Evidence-based Design Accreditation and Certification (EDAC)

Community Involvement:

  • City of Monterey, Historic Preservation Committee
  • Trustee, Monterey County Hospitality Association Health and Welfare Trust
  • Subject Matter Expert (SME), California Office of Professional Examination Services (OPES)
  • Otter Bay Water Polo Foundation

Inspiration: Creating designs that empower the people that inhabit them, along with a sense of grace and wonder that is wholly in tune with the beauty of our West Coast region.

Christopher Barlow